Privacy Policy 

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy briefly explains how we manage the personal information that we collect, use and disclose and how to contact us if you have any queries. This Privacy Policy intended to cover Appraisal Mate is to be read subject to any overriding provisions of law or contract. This Privacy Policy may also cover property owners generally.


From our business commencement, Appraisal Mate will be bound by the National Privacy Principles (“NPPs”) (subject to any other provisions of law). The NPPs are contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and regulate the manner in which personal information is managed.

Personal information is information or an opinion, in any form and whether true or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion.

There are further special provisions which apply to the collection of some personal information which is known as sensitive information. This includes health information and information about a persons’ race, ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of political, professional or trade associations, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual preferences and criminal history.

Type of Information Collected

The kinds of personal information we collect and store about our customers include (amongst other things):

  • personal information you give us when you request a product or service from us. This information may include your name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, details of your real estate requirements and / or transactions,
  • the compilation of a geo-demographic data and profile information based upon your property ownership
  • communications between you and us; and
  • transactional information about your use of our services.

How your personal information will be used

We collect your personal information so that we can use it for our functions and activities which include, amongst other things:

  • to keep you informed of our services and real estate information;
  • to facilitate contact with you;
  • to participate in the client loyalty program
  • confirming your identity (eg. when you wish to use our services);
  • addressing any feedback or complaints you may have;
  • answering any queries you may have;
  • any purposes for which it was requested and directly related purposes, monitoring and developing, improving and marketing our services; and
  • to comply with any mandatory requirement of law.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties

The organisations to which we disclose personal information include:

  • to any entity to which we are required or authorised by or under law to disclose such information (for instance, Federal or State law enforcement agencies and investigative agencies, lottery and gaming regulators, ASIO, courts, various other Federal or State government bodies);
  • to others that you have been informed of at the time any personal information is collected from you;
  • our related companies, business associates and others for purposes directly related to the purpose for which the personal information is collected;
  • organisations involved in a transfer/sale of all or part of our assets or business (including accounts and trade receivables);
  • for use in the operation and marketing of the SP Commercial;
  • to our professional advisors and other contractors (for example IT consultants and external marketing contractors);
  • with your consent (express or implied), to others.

Collection of information other than personal information

If you visit our website, some of the information we and/or our contractors collect about your visit to our website is not personal information because it does not reveal your identity. Information of this nature can include:

  • Site visit information

When you visit our website, we and/or our contractors collect general information about your visit which may include your server address, the date and time of your visit, the pages you accessed, the information you downloaded and the type of Internet browser you used.

We and/or our contractors may use this information in anonymous form for statistical purposes only to assist us in improving the quality and usability of our website.

  • Cookies

A cookie is a small string of information that a website transfers to your browser for identification purposes. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s browser.

Cookies can either be “persistent” or “session” based. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer’s hard drive, contain an expiration date, and may be used to track your browsing behaviour upon return to the web site and to improve the service provided by the site.

Session cookies are short-lived and are held on your browser’s memory for the duration of your session only. They expire when you quit your browser.

Most Internet browsers can be set to accept or reject cookies. In order for the system to function your browser must be set to accept session cookies. If you do not want to accept persistent cookies, you can adjust your Internet browser to reject them or to notify you when they are being used. However, rejecting persistent cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

Access and correction of your personal information

You have a right to access your personal information, subject to some exceptions allowed by law. If you would like to do so, please let us know.

We may require you to complete a request form, available from Appraisal Mate, to gain access to certain personal information. Appraisal Mate reserves its right to charge a reasonable fee levied by us for this. Please address all requests to:

Appraisal Mate

3/6 Vanessa Boulevard

Springwood QLD 4127

P: (07) 5504 1915

F: (07) 5677 0210


Help us ensure we hold accurate information

It is important to us that the personal information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up to date. However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you provide. That is why we recommend that you:

  • Let us know if there are any errors in your personal information; and
  • Keep us up to date with changes to personal information such as your name or address.

You can update your details at any time by calling us on (07) 5504 1915 


If you have a complaint about the way we have dealt with your personal information, please contact us at the above telephone number and ask to speak with our Contact Centre Client Relations or visit our website mentioned above.

We will make all reasonable attempts to respond to your complaints or requests. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may refer the matter to the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner at:


Phone: 1300 363 992

Website Matters


When you use the Internet, you are using facilities that are beyond our control and there are risks associated with transferring data.

Any personal information that we hold about you in our computer systems is made more secure from unauthorised access by a range of internal security mechanisms and procedures.

If you become aware of any security breach, please let us know as soon as possible.

Third Party Web Pages

Our website may also contain links to third party websites that we do not operate or control. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy or security practices of those websites and that those sites are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Third party websites may have their own privacy and security policies, which we encourage you to read.

Updates to Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. If we do so, we will post the amended Privacy Policy on our website (mentioned above) so that you will always be aware of how we manage your personal information.

Further information

Please contact us if you have any queries about the personal information that we hold about you or the way we handle that personal information. Our contact details for privacy queries are set out above.

Further information about the NPP’s and the application of privacy law to the private sector generally can be found by contacting the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner (details above).